Wizards in the Community
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Once again, the Wizards and Washington Mystics are administering the PICK & ROLL reading incentive program throughout Washington metropolitan area elementary schools. The program targets fourth, fifth and sixth grade students. Juwan Howard serves as the spokesman of the program. Participating students are required to read eight books between December and February. A prize is awarded to each student who completes the requirements. Approximately 35,000 students in more than 350 elementary schools participated in last year's program, while more than 6,000 students completed the requirements. Each participating classroom receives a poster and textbook package. The school with the highest percentage of students completing the program receives a visit from a Wizards player in order to read a story.
The Wizards summer reading incentive program, HOOPSMARKS, targets "Young Adults" (children ages 10-14). Materials for the program are available throughout local public library systems. Children reading 12 books during the summer are awarded a pair of tickets to a Wizards game.
The Wizards serve as Honorary Chairs of the 24 CHALLENGE Math program, a math skills game for over 150,000 metro area children in grades 4-8, this season.

1999-2000 begins the Wizards fifth season of the "Our House. Our Rules" initiative. Posters, with a new series of peaceable classroom suggestions, are distributed to area schools and a new PSA featuring Wizards players. This year's theme, "2000 ways to Peace and it starts with Me," shows local students alternatives to violence. For 16 weekend games, Wizards players will invite 200 youths who demonstrate and promote non-vioence activities down to MCI Center. The team is continuing to sponsor the "Time-out From Violence" speech contest as a forum for area junior high and middle school students to share their opinions on violence in their community and offer suggestions for solving problems.
The Wizards are sponsoring a "community improvement" contest for Washington area junior highs, middle and high schools. Schools are invited to submit a community service project. The schools then create and implement the proposed project. The winning school receives a complimentary group of tickets to a Wizards game at MCI Center, a pre-game reception and are honored in a halftime awards presentation.
For the third consecutive year the Wizards will team up with Calvary Baptist Church to provide hot meals to those in need. During the month of November members of the Washington Wizards team and staff will serve a Thanksgiving meal to the homeless community in Washington DC. Additionally, Mr. Pollin, Deer Park Spring Water and Modell Sporting GOods will be funding a luch program every Tuesday and Friday at Calvary Baptist Church, located near MCI Center.
"When We Score, You Score," for every point the Wizards score at home games during the month of March a book is donated to the DC Public Library System. Last year the Wizards donated 834 books to local libraries.
The Kids 'N Kops program helps to foster a positive relationship between officers and area youth. It runs over a 6-8 week period during the season. Officers in the District, Fairfax, Prince William, and Montgomery counties will participate by offering children who introduce themselves to an officer a Wizards player action card. Each card features a Wizards player and comes with a safety tip on the back. When a child collects a full set of six players and a mascot card, he or she is rewarded with a Wizards prize.
The Wizards continue to work with Fannie Mae refurbishing homes in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, DC. The team hosts a sports memorabilia auction in April, to benefit the Home Team Fund.
Wizards will host a basketball clinic at MCI Center practice court or area recreation center with local Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Both big and little brothers and sisters are invited to participate in the clinic run by a Wizards player. The Wizards will also sponsor Big/Little Wizards game night which will include tickets to a game and passes to the National Sports Gallery.
The Wizards host their annual HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE, to benefit the National Capital Area Community Food Bank, on November 20th, when the Wizards take on the LA Clippers. Each fan donating a non-perishable food item receives a ticket to a future game.
The Wizards will team up with Galludet University to host the Congressional Game at the university on Wednesday, September 29, 1999. This bi-annual event features Democratic against Republican congress people competing on the hardwood, while benefiting Galludet University. Wizards General Manager Wes Unseld and player Chris Whitney will participate in the ceremonial ball toss.
A reading mentor program which pairs up local professionals with school-aged children to spend one hour per week reading with a student. WS&E employees participate with students at the District's Walker-Jones Elementary School. Wizards players Jahidi White and Mitch Richmond helped kick-off the program this year at a "Back to School" pep rally in September.